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  • Please purchase "ezPDF Reader" to view PDF files with embedded video.
  • Mp4 video files can be opened with Personal Video app, which is already installed.
ezPDF Reader Pro
Personal Video
  • We did not test Kindle Fire (2nd generation.)
  • Sign in to your account with Silk and go to "My Downloadable Products." Then click the link of the file you want to download.
  • The download will start after you click the link. You may be able to check its download progress by showing the notification area.
  • After downloading, tap the file name in the notification area. Tap "ezPDF Reader" on the selection.
  • When you tap mp4 video files, the device will switch the screen to the video player.
Downloading epub files Downloading mp4 files
  • ezPDF Reader will show the cover of the downloaded file.
  • When you tap embedded videos, the screen will be switched to the video player.
  • It may take a minute to start playing videos if their sizes are more than 50MBytes.
  • When you would like to view files later, tap the name of the file on "All PDF" window.