Manual Top
Purchasing digital content
Create a new account
Acquire free content
Purchase paid content
Downloading digital content
Download files to PC/Mac
Transfer files from PC/Mac
Download files to iOS devices
Download files to Android devices
Download files to Kindle Fire HD
  • You need to create an account in order to purchase and download digital content.
  • Select "Create an Account" on the left side of the page. 

  • Enter your first and last name, and email address.
  • Enter your password twice. It must include more than six characters.
  • Once you click "Submit" you will receive a confirmation email. 
  • The email contains your account information, including your password. 
  • Please keep the email for your reference.
  • You need to confirm your account creation by clicking a link in the mail. It will take you to this website. You will receive another email verifying completion of your account creation.
  • Another email will be sent after confirmation.

If you do not receive the email, please try the followings;

  1. It may be labeled as a spam mail. Try to find it in Spam or Trash mail box.
  2. You may have mistyped your email address. Open another account.

Note: Your account will be deleted if you do not confirm your application in seven days.

  • Upon logging in, your Account Dashboard will be opened. 
  • You can add/modify your information, check orders and download purchased items.